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Engine Mechanic


Maximize your productivity through increased operational visibility and efficiency â€‹
Key Capabilities
Engine Belts
Full Asset Overview and Configuration​
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Track OEE against any Asset

Customized configuration and targets. Complete history of machine production, quality and downtime - identify root cause of OEE degradation

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Multiple Hardware Integration
arc.quire Hardware Integrator

Connect to and integrate with multiple hardware components using all industry standard communication interfaces and protocols

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Track OEE trends against Targets​

Tag quantity and quality against produced units

Easily monitor different downtime causes against assets to improve machine availability.​

Real-time Data Visualization and Reporting​
arc.ops - Dashboard Manager Module - Exa

Flexible and Powerful Design Elements

Quick and easy search, filter, drilldown on OEE components to identify and eliminate OEE inefficiency

So why choose    ARCSTONE?
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Arcstone's Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Solution gives manufacturers the ability to measure their manufacturing productivity and gain insights into improving their processes.

By measuring OEE and underlying losses, manufacturers will

be able identify operational issues and have a standardized gauge for continuous improvement.​


Untuk menanyakan lebih lanjut tentang solusi Arcstone dan modul yang tersedia, silakan hubungi kami dengan formulir yang disediakan dan tunjukkan solusi mana yang ingin Anda pelajari lebih lanjut.

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